A Body Fashioned for Death

“Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said, “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body have you prepared for me;”
Hebrews 10:5

Every Christmas time we celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus, but the greatest astonishment isn’t THAT he came, it’s WHY he came. 

Did he come to teach the truth? Yes. To present God? To fulfill the law? To reveal love? To bring peace? To heal the sick? Yes, yes and yes. These are all secondary reasons. There was a primary purpose, Jesus came to suffer and die. Bethlehem only happened so Calvary could happen. 

The body of Christ was prepared to be the perfect sacrifice. Those soft baby hands were fashioned by the spirit so that nails could be driven through them. Those chubby feet that couldn’t walk would one day walk a hill and be nailed on a cross. That round head with sparkling eyes was fashioned so that one day men might crush into it a crown of thorns. That tender and warm body wrapped in swaddling clothes would one day be ripped apart by men. Jesus was born to die, so that we could be born to live. 

Do you know why Jesus came? Not because you or I asked him to, or deserved him to come for us. But he came because God graciously designed it. Salvation comes from God, the undeserved grace of God. God never looked at us and said they are so great; they deserve my son. He came down to rescue us from sin and to restore us to the final joy for which we were made; to know Him and to enjoy Him!

God thinks a lot of Jesus Christ. And anybody that comes along and throws Jesus aside is in danger of the wrath of God. If God holds Christ in such esteem, what must be the consequences of someone who does not?

This Christmas, let’s remember that the body of Jesus Christ was specifically fashioned by God in order to withstand the beating, punishment and death that you and I deserve. Let us worship Him that He came for the sake of sinners like you and me knowing all that awaited Him. 

This Christmas, let us take His example and give our bodies up for service to our families, our friends, our co-workers so that we may partake, even in the smallest amounts, in the suffering of Christ if we desire to be glorified with Him.

Rejoice, the Savior has come!

Anatoliy Puts

Cleveland, OH

Solid Foundation Generation