Lilia Pulukchu - 2021

My desire to go to Bible school was rooted in my wanting to get a deeper understanding of the Bible. I was praying to God and fasting for days before it started so that my experience would not be in vain. From day one, the administrators and students who greeted me set an atmosphere that made me feel as if I was in the right place. As days went by, God was truly helping me understand who He is, and understand the Word within a deeper context through lectures, prayer, devotional and fellowship.  Everyday, the Lord was truly humbling me, filling me with wisdom and knowledge, and ultimately molding me inside and out in ways I never would’ve imagined! Can you imagine so many students from different churches and states coming all together? Not everyone has the same understanding and ideas but instead of jumping to conclusions and saying, “my understanding is right and yours isn’t”, we would discuss it and refer to the Bible as the ultimate source for our questions. I’ll be honest, it amazed me to see such young people have Biblical, Christian-based discussions. This was the beginning of how God was starting to humble me and even outside of Bible school, He is still working on me and building me up everyday! I am blessed to say that having classmates that I got close to during those two months has helped us to still keep each other accountable to continue reading the word, praying and seeking God even after Bible School ended.

My relationship with God has changed for the better. I started reading His word differently and everyday I desire to read His Word. I no longer read the Bible just to say “I read for the day”, instead it became devotional time that I desired during and post school. Questions such as; what did I read, what is God trying to teach me, how does this relate to us in life today, etc. were written in our ‘Q&A’ box and were answered by admins and lecturers. Showing how important and powerful it is to be able to study in a Bible School with others. 

Something else that helped build a closer relationship to God and His word was the environment we were in. In 1-Corinthians 15:33, we’re reminded that who we surround ourselves with is who we’ll be. Having these classmates who kept each other in “check” classmates you could pray with, study and discuss the Word with - it felt as if God was working in every heart, in different ways throughout the two months of school. I noticed that I was in prayer more everyday, and it wasn’t just “me” praying. What helped a lot was surrounding myself with amazing classmates, who too had the same desire of drawing nearer to Christ. 

All in all, this was an experience that was not regretted at all! 

Bible School is a great opportunity for spiritual growth and to make life-long Christian friends (the same friends that uplifted and uplift me everyday)! I HIGHLY recommend this experience to everyone!

Solid Foundation Generation